Jumaat, 21 Februari 2014

Varieties noodles dough

Here's the recipe, try, change, have fun and spend time with hands-on, too.

For the plain egg dough:
• 300 g all purpose flour
• 3 eggs
• 1 pinch of salt

For the carrot dough:
• 170 g all purpose flour
• 2 tablespoons mashed carrots
• 1 egg
• 1 pinch of salt

For the spinach dough:
• 150 g all purpose flour
• 2 tablespoons mashed spinach
• 1 egg •
1 pinch of salt

For the beetroot dough:
• 250 g all purpose flour
• 3 tablespoons mashed beetroot (increase the dose if you want a darker pasta)
• 1 egg
• 1 pinch of salt Pour the flour onto a work surface and make a well.

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