Ahad, 23 Mac 2014


Homemade Flour Tortillas

2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp salt
2/3 cup warm water

1. In a medium sized bowl, stir together flour and salt. Add oil and warm water, stirring to combine. Dump dough onto a lightly floured surface, and knead for about 3 minutes, until dough is smooth. Divide dough into 10 equal pieces, rolling each piece into a ball. Allow to rest, covered with plastic wrap, for at least 30 minutes.

2. Once dough has rested, preheat cast iron skillet over medium-high heat (do not use nonstick for this). Roll out each ball into a circle, about 6 inches in diameter. Cook one at a time in the hot skillet for about 60 seconds, flipping half-way through, when it starts to puff and a few brown spots have appeared on the first side. Keep warm by wrapping the stacked tortillas in a clean dishcloth.


(makes 4 -6 wraps)
* 210ml /7 ½ fl oz / 1 cup warm water
*350g /12 oz / 3 cups plain white flour
* 15ml / 1 tbsp olive oil
*1 tsp salt 1 tsp sugar
*½ tsp dried yeast

1.Combine all the ingredients in a bread machine and select the dough setting. Or put in a food mixer until all ingredients form a dough. Remove from bread pan/food mixer and place on a floured surface.

2.Divide dough into four to six lumps.  I made four quite big wraps but it’s up to you how big you want them.

3.Here’s the tricky bit:
Roll out into a flat, very thin round shape of about 2mm depth.  No matter how hard I tried, I started off well, kept turning the dough, but as it got thinner,  the perfect circle eluded

Sabtu, 22 Mac 2014

Tat nenas gebu

Bahan-Bahan Pastri :
115 gram butter
115 gram minyak sapi
1 biji telur gred B
450 gram tepung gandum
sedikit garam
air sejuk

CARA MEMBUAT KULIT TART 1.Pecahkan telur di dalam bekas adunan,masukkan butter dan minyak sapi.Gaul hingga sebati dengan hanya menggunakan whisk. 2.Masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit. Akak tidak menggunakan air sejuk tapi setelah adunan menjadi doh letakkan sebentar di dalam peti ais.
3.Guna acuan seperti gambar di bawah.
4.Tekan adunan dan bentukkan tart mengikut kesesuaian anda.
5.Jika letak inti yang banyak maka dapatlah tat yang tebal.
6.Bakar pada suhu 170C-180C selama 20-25 min