Ahad, 23 Mac 2014


Homemade Flour Tortillas

2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp salt
2/3 cup warm water

1. In a medium sized bowl, stir together flour and salt. Add oil and warm water, stirring to combine. Dump dough onto a lightly floured surface, and knead for about 3 minutes, until dough is smooth. Divide dough into 10 equal pieces, rolling each piece into a ball. Allow to rest, covered with plastic wrap, for at least 30 minutes.

2. Once dough has rested, preheat cast iron skillet over medium-high heat (do not use nonstick for this). Roll out each ball into a circle, about 6 inches in diameter. Cook one at a time in the hot skillet for about 60 seconds, flipping half-way through, when it starts to puff and a few brown spots have appeared on the first side. Keep warm by wrapping the stacked tortillas in a clean dishcloth.

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