Rabu, 19 November 2014


2 bungkus mee maggi perisa kariInti secukupnya *(*resipi dibawah)
1 biji saiz sederhana bawang holland, didadu
Hirisan cili hijau secukupnya
Hirisan cili merah secukupnya
Hirisan daun sup/daun bawang secukupnya
Serbuk lada hitam
5 biji telur
Garam secukup rasa
15O gram daging cincang
1/2 inci halia
*3 ulas bawang putih
*(*tumbuk lumat)
Serbuk lada hitam
4 biji bawang merah,hiris
1 tangkai daun kari
1/2 camca besar penuh rempah kari daging
2 paket rempah kari maggi (yg tersedia dalam pack mee maggi)
1 camca besar sos tomato
Garam dan gula secukupnya
1/2 cawan air

 Daging cincang diperap dengan bahan bertanda (*) selama 30 minit. Panaskan minyak dalam kuali, tumis bawang merah dan daun kari hingga harum, masukkan rempah kari bersama2 lada hitam dan sos tomato, kacau dan masak hingga rempah garing.
Tambah daging cincang, gaul rata dan tuang air. Masak dengan api sederhana hingga kering, perasakan dengan garam secukupnya dan secubit gula. Masak sekejap lagi, matikan api dan sejukkan.

Celur mee maggi hingga lembut, toskan dan gaul dengan sedikit minyak masak. Sediakan bekas bulat berukuran 7 inci, sapu mentega dan alas dasarnya dengan aluminium foil, lenser juga aluminium tadi dengan mentega. Letak separuh mee tadi dalam bekas, ratakan. Letak pula inti dan ratakan, tabur bawang cincang, sebahagian hirisan cili merah/cili hijau dan hirisan daun sup/daun bawang. Kemudian ratakan baki mee tadi.Pukul telur bersama sedikit serbuk lada hitam dan sedikit garam. Tuang atas mee tadi hingga penuh. Tekan2 sedikit dan susun baki hirisan cili merah/cili hijau dan daun sup/daun bawang.

Bakar dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan pada suhu 180C selama 45 minit atau hingga permukaannya keperangan. Keluar dan biar suam, hidangkan bersama sos pilihan anda...Mat Gebu at 9:30 AM

Hokaido cake

Jumaat, 14 November 2014

Moroccan Pancake

--- Conventional Measures ---1 1/2 cups fine semolina3/4 cup all-purpose flour1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon sugar2 tsp baking powder3 cups plus 2 tablespoons lukewarm water1 tablespoon yeast--- Traditional Moroccan Measures ---2 glasses (to the brim) lukewarm water1 level glass fine semolina1/2 glass all purpose flour1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon sugar2 teaspoons baking powder1 tablespoon yeast
1 1/2 Cawan tepung suji
3/4 cawan tepung gandum
1 tsp garam
1 tsp gula
2 tsp baking powder
3 cawan + 2 tbsp air suam
1 sudu makan yeast

Msemen* moroccan pancake*

Roti susu hokaido

Rabu, 12 November 2014

Pau gedabak

Pau kampung

Bahan doh
½kg tepung gandum(xkesah cap apa)
¾yis basah
½cwn air
1½sudu mkn margerin
1sudu mkn crisco/lemak sayur
2sudu mkn susu pekat manis
Air secukupnya
*Inti terpulang nak inti kelapa manis/kacang merah/kaya dan sbgainya

*tepung gandum,margerin,crisco susu pekat disatukan..jadikan seperti serbuk roti
*yis dibancuh dgn ½ cwn air,masukkan kedlm adunan tadi..uli..
*tambah air sehingga dpt doh yg x lekat ditgn
*uli sehingga lembut
*bulat2 kan dan masukkan inti..biar dlm 15 minit atau sehingga doh naik sekali ganda
*kukus 10 ke 15 minitp

Isnin, 10 November 2014


Serves:6-8Degree of difficulty:Medium


2x500-600g isi dada ayam bersama kulit

1batang kayu manis

1/2 tsp garam

600 g daging cincang 

20 g butter

1/2 tsp serbok lada hitam

1/2 tsp allspice

1/2 tsp buah pelaga tumbuk, plus extra untk tabur sedikit

1 1/2 cwn (300 g) beras basmathi basuh dan toskan

olive oil, untuk menumis

1/2 cup (80 g) pine nuts. Goreng

1/2 cup (40 g) badam tiada kulit. Goreng 


Rebuskan isi ayam bersama kulit kayu manis dan 1 sudu teh garam. Direbus perlahan 20-30minit atau sehingga masak. Toskan dan ketepikan simpan stok ayam.

Buang kulit dan siat2kan isi ayam memanjang.

Dalam kuali/periuk masukkan daging cincang tanpa air untuk 10 min. Leraikan jika ada ketul2.kacau selalu.

Masukkan butter n rempah2bersama garam. Masak selama 20min dan kacau supaya tidak berketul.

Masukkan beras dan 2cawan air rebusan ayam. Masak selama 20 min dgn api sederhana.

To assemble, spread the almonds and pine nuts over the base of a round 25 cm cake tin with a hollow centre. Pack the shredded chicken around the outer edge of the mould. Fill with the lamb and rice mixture, pressing down firmly and ensuring the chicken remains in place. To serve, put a serving plate face down over the mould and invert the chicken and rice onto it. Gently remove the mould and sprinkle a little extra cinnamon over the top.

Cara menghias nasi:

Taburkan kekacang di permukaan periuk berlubang. Alaskan isi ayam sepanjang permukaan periuk sambil letakkan nasi campuran dgn daging tadi.tekan sedikit supaya nasi sejat dan cantik bila diterbalikkan.

Terbalikkan acuan periuk tadi kedalam dulang dan taburkan sedikit dgn serbuk buah pelaga dan baki kekacang keatas isi ayam. Hias.

LEBANESE ALMOND CHICKEN rice chicken and rice (riz ala’ dajaj)

Lebanese Almond Chicken Rice RecipeChicken with almonds on rice with beef mince and pine nuts


1 boiling chicken (size 16-17)

1 Cinnamon stick 

2 tablesp butter

500g lean beef mince

3 teasp allspice

2 teasp olive oil (to toast the nuts)

1 cup pine nuts, toasted in 1 teaspoon olive oil

2 cups water

2 cups rice, rinsed under running water

2 cups slivered almonds, toasted in 1 teasp olive oil

sea salt 

and freshly ground black pepper

pinch ground cinnamon


:Place chicken into a large pot with the cinnamon stick and cover with water. Bring to the boil, reduce heat to simmer and cook 20 minutes or until cooked through.Remove chicken from liquid and cut flesh into bite-sized pieces, discarding skin. Strain 2 cups of poaching liquid and reserve.

Heat butter in a fry pan and add mince and allspice. 

Cook 6-8 minutes, stirring regularly, until well browned. Add half the pinenuts to the mince mixture.Add reserved poaching liquid, water and washed rice.Season lightly and simmer mixture for 20 minutes or until the liquid is absorbed.Arrange almonds and remaining pine nuts on the bottom of a round-ring mould, sprinkling with a little ground cinnamon. Pack the chicken pieces around the sides.Fill mould with rice mixture, pressing down firmly but carefully. Remove the mould and serve hot.



Sabtu, 8 November 2014

Arab dajaj mashwi...grilled chicken

Dajaj mashwi- Arabian grilled chicken

By Reshma Seetharam<< Prev Next >>Food & Wine page
Here is an amazingly simple yet exquisite chicken with its roots in the Arabian land.

This recipe requires simple ingredients, fresh boneless chicken, and a hot grill. It was made by my friend Indresh when we went over to his barbecue party. The marinade looked mouthwatering, the chicken was spicy and grilled to perfection. The core was moist and juicy. He paired it with a fruit cocktail and people were constantly hovering over the grill for more.

Here is the recipe in all its splendor. What you need:

Serves 4 to 6  

4 boneless chicken breasts
1 tsp Paprika / red chili powder
1 tsp salt or as much as you need
1 tsp black pepper powder
1 Tbsp lime juice (optional)
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp olive oil

Using a wooden mallet, flatten the chicken breasts. Mix all the powders and lime juice together; rub them on to the chicken breasts. Let the marinated chicken soak for about an hour. Cook it on a hot grill and serve it hot, with a garlic dipping sauce or any other sauce of your choice. Enjoy! 

Lebanese chicken

1 lb whole chicken cut up,

1 lemon, freshly squeezed juice
½ cup of extra virgin olive
½ tsp sumac
6 cloves garlic
½ tsp salt

1. Take each piece of chicken and make several cuts through each piece against the grain to the bone so that marinade can be completely absorbed.
2. Using a food processor or mortar and pestle, grind the garlic up into a paste.
3. Add lemon, salt and olive oil and mix thoroughly until creamy.
4. Put chicken and garlic mixture in the large Ziploc bag and massage bag to fully cover the chicken with the mixture.
5. Marinate for 3 hours or more in the refrigerator.
6. Grill chicken over a medium flame and cook until done – when juices run clear (about 10-15 minutes on each side).

 Best Served With: 

This traditional Lebanese dipping sauce really packs a punch and goes perfect with everything from meat to bread. It contains only a handful of ingredients common to every kitchen and is quick and easy to make. Next time you are looking for a unique dip that can be served with a variety of foods, Toum is the best dip to try!


3-4 cloves of garlic,
peeled and crushed
¼ cup of vegetable or olive oil (or less depending on garlic used)
1 lemon, juiced
¼ teaspoon salt


For a truly authentic preparation of Toum, a mortar and pestle is used. If a mortar and pestle are unavailable, ingredients can be blended using a food processor.